Becoming Raw - 5 Easy Ways To Add More Raw Food Into Your Diet!

It is hot outside! It is so hot, the heat is shimmering off the sidewalk in waves. You need something to drink, now! Water is just not going to do the trick. You delve into the refrigerator, looking for pieces of cold, ripe, and juicy fruit. Armed with a hunk of watermelon, a few peaches and apricots, and your nifty, brand-new juicer, you are now ready to face the world.

You can find wheatgrass in many forms. It can be purchased in either a tablet form or a powder. Many health stores will also sell freshly cut wheatgrass that you can use at home; and you can also get it in a juiced or a frozen form. Wheatgrass is very popular in most health stores and you can make a lot of delicious recipes as well. You can also combine other fruits and vegetables with wheatgrass to come up with your own healthy combinations that you can serve to the whole family. You can add honey to your juice for a somewhat sweeter taste, or you can add garlic and ginger to soften the taste. Dandelion and alfalfa are also popular choices to add to WheatGrass Powder.


Juicing wheatgrass can be done in your home juicer, but you might consider getting a "masticating" juicer. It's different in that it presses the juice more effectively from your wheatgrass in ways that your regular juicer doesn't. And you can use your masticating juicer for other vegetables and fruits as well. If you make too much wheatgrass juices, you can freeze it for later use.

All of my cancer clients are on green food in powder or tabs, because cancer cannot live in Oxygenated Cells. So imagine what your body does for protection against this epidemic of our century. It's so important for PH. Balance, which means a P.H. of 7 is neutral, Alkaline is usually 6.5. What does all of this mean? With acid blood the heart relaxes, when the blood is Alkaline, the heart contracts. Since we eat too much Acid food and build up Free Radicals, our immune system becomes weak in a decayed internal environment. Alive Multi, with or without iron by Natures Way, has all the Greens and Carotenoids for our protection. Alive also comes in an Effervescent Drink, in a Lemon Lime or Cinnamon Apple. Just like you know what, that fizzes up.

Due to the action of the cutting blade, it is not recommended to use soft fruits such as bananas and berries, nor leafy vegetables such as parsley, spinach, and wheatgrass because of danger of clogging the mechanical parts with plant material.



Many people boast about how easy it is to grow wheatgrass. It takes about 10 days for a tray to grow to the proper length for juicing. You do not want to let it grow too much longer than that. The younger the grass, the more nutrient dense it is. If you grow it to maturity, you will be losing precious vitamins and enzymes.

It is now available in convenient single serving sachets, so that you may carry your wheatgrass with you. All you need is a glass of water, mix in the sachet of wheatgrass, and you have a drink that is better tasting than fresh juiced, and has more nutrition because it has combined the roots and blades. You don't have to invest in an expensive wheatgrass juicer, or try growing your own wheatgrass (not an easy task), or go to the local "juice bar" for a $3.00 shot.

One of the best more info things you could do for your health is to only use extra virgin cold pressed oils such as cold pressed extra virgin olive oil,coconut oil, flax seed oil, and hemp seed oil. Not only are they healthier than refined oils, but they taste amazing! For best results: don't cook with them but rather drizzle them on top of your favorite foods.

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